Safety Survey

In the Republic of Croatia, the Safety Survey was carried out for the first time in the period from October 2022 to end-February 2023 in cooperation with market research agency Ipsos.

The Survey was aimed at collecting statistics that would provide the answer to the question about the extent to which the citizens feel safe in the environment in which they live and work.

These data will help in providing information needed in the area of creation of social policies, in various scientific analyses and international comparisons, and, in general, to inform the overall public about the state of personal safety.

This survey was carried out in the whole Republic of Croatia in two phases, on the total sample of 23 thousand respondants aged from 18 to 74 years. A total of 27.2% of respondants responded to the questionnaire.

In the first phase in October 2022, the Safety Survey was conducted only electronically, in which respondents filled in the survey questionnaire themselves (by applying the CAWI method). If they did not do it on the determined date, in the second phase, that took place from 1 November 2022 to 15 February 2023, they were contacted by phone by the interviewer from the Ipsos agency (by applying the CATI method). The respondents who did not want to participate according the CATI method could still participate in the Survey according to the CAWI method.

The Safety Survey is carried out on the basis of the Official Statistics Act (OG, No. 25/20). We emphasize that information collected on physical persons, which could be directly or indirectly linked to a particular physical person, is statistically confidential and considered an official secret, and therefore it is used exclusively for statistical purposes.

Moreover, the Survey is carried out on the basis of a standard methodology developed by the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat) and financed by the European Union.

The Survey results are available on the link, while the national release is scheduled for 16 December 2024 in the form of the First Release.

The conduct of a new survey depends on further developments at the EU level due to the fact that, at this moment, it is not regulated by the current legislation of the European Union, and it is also true about its periodicity. The Croatian Bureau of Statistics will take a part in further organisational and methodological developments of this Survey at the level of the European Union, among others as a member of the expert group established for this purpose by the Statistical Office of the European Union.

If you have already participated, or if you will be selected in the sample in the future Survey, we would like to express our gratitude for your participation, for in that way you contributed in collecting valuable data.