
Survey Researches

Additional information on survey researches in which data are collected from individuals and households

How much, when and why do we travel, what are our consumer habits, in what conditions do we live, how intense is our working activity and what are our working habits, how do we spend our leisure time? Answers to these, but also to many other questions can be found in data collected from individuals and households in survey researches. In this way, we can compile a series of key indicators pertaining to the labour market, consumer habits and life standard of the population, status of social progress, i.e. progress in the combat against poverty, as well as a number of other indicators. All this information is important for making various decisions and measures related to economic and social policies and for monitoring implementation of measures and programmes, but also for scientific researches, international comparisons, etc.
The interviewing process is carried out using three methods: a field interview using laptop (CAPI - computer-assisted personal interviewing), self-administered web questionnaires (CAWI - computer-assisted web interviewing) and a phone interview from a call centre (CATI - computer-assisted telephone interviewing). Field interviews and phone interviews from a call centre are carried out by specially trained interviewers - employees who attend both general and methodological training for every single survey research in which they are engaged. If interviewing is conducted in the field, the authorised interviewer has to display the ID card of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics on arriving in the household.
All respondents selected into the sample, irrespective of the interviewing method, receive an announcement letter prior to the beginning of the survey, which contains all information about the survey and their participation in it.
It is crucial to point out that the Official Statistics Act (OG, No. 25/20) guarantees the confidentiality and secrecy of collected data. The Croatian Bureau of Statistics processes the data, and results are released in aggregated form. It means that the data on a single household or individual are not disclosed and nor is it possible to identify a household or individual who participated in the survey, due to the fact that these data are presented only in aggregated form.
By actively participating in the survey researches you contribute to enhance quality of collected data, and therefore we would like to express our gratitude to all individuals and households for their participation.

Here is some more information about the survey researches that we conduct:
Additional information on the process of conducting survey researches of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics - about what precedes data collection, how to assess the need for particular statistical indicators, the interviewing process, but also about data confidentiality - is available in the text Survey Research - From the First Question to the Final Data.