Consultation with the public

Consultation with the interested public

The consultation and involvement of the public in the process of adopting regulations is carried out for the purpose of collecting information on the interests, attitudes and suggestions of the public with regard to a particular public policy in order to raise the level of understanding and accepting the policy objectives, but also identifying the weaknesses and negative effects that should be eliminated timely.

At its session held on 21 November 2009, the Government of the Republic of Croatia adopted the Code of Practice on Consultation with the Interested Public in the Procedures of Adopting Laws, Other Regulations and Acts (Official Gazette, No. 140/09), in order to facilitate interaction with citizens and representatives of the interested public in the democratic process and encourage more active participation of citizens in public life. The above mentioned Code stipulates the general principles, standards and measures for consultation with the interested public in the procedure of adopting laws, other regulations and acts of government bodies, which regulate issues of interest for the general wellbeing.

The obligation to conduct the procedure for consultation with the interested public is stipulated in the Act on the Regulatory Assessment (Official Gazette, No. 90/11), which regulates the procedure, documents, method of annual planning of normative activities, competent authorities, the manner of consultation with the interested public in the process of adopting new regulations and includes the analysis of their potential benefits and costs, thus contributing to a more rational process of evidence-based policy-making.

Pursuant to the Act on the Right of Access to Information (Official Gazette, No. 25/13No. 85/15 and No. 69/22), which legally binds institutions to conduct public consultations, state administration bodies are obliged to consult with the interested public via the central web portal for public consultations (e-Consultations), which was launched on 27 April 2015.

Here you can find a chronological overview of consultations with the public of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics on the Central Government Portal e-Consultations.

Open consultations
There are currently no open consultations.

Planned consultations
Pursuant to Article 11, paragraphs 5 and 6 of the Act on the Right of Access to Information (Official Gazette, No. 25/13, 85/15 and 69/22) and Article 52 of the Act on State Administration System (Official Gazette, No. 66/19), the Croatian Bureau of Statistics adopted the Public Consultation Plan for 2024 and the Amendment to the Public Consultation Plan for 2024.