Historical overview of the development of the National Classification of Activities (NKD) 2002 – 2007
Classifications of activities are of great importance in the statistics of all countries in Europe and the world, because they determine the structure, content and breakdown of all economic activities and units that perform them. All statistical economic indicators are directly or indirectly connected with this classification.
NKD 2002. is an updated version of the National Classification of Activities of 1997. It is a more detailed Croatian copy of NACE Rev. 1.1 and is fully aligned with it up to the class level and all higher hierarchical levels, except the national subclass level (national breakdown).
NKD 2002. is a hierarchically structured statistical classification of all economic activities, which at the lowest hierarchical level has 585 subclasses marked with a five-digit code.
The new version of NKD 2002. entered into force at the beginning of 2003on the basis of the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, while its full application for statistical purposes began on 1 January 2004. It was revised on the basis of the updated version of NACE Rev. 1.1 of the European Union and is considered its derivative.
It was comparable to the revised world classification of activities ISIC Rev. 3.1 as well as with NACE Rev. 1.1.Legal basis for implementing NKD 2002. were the Act on the National Classification of Activities (OG, 98/94) and the Government Decision on the Implementation of the NKD 2002. (OG, 13/03).