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Strategic plans and reports
- Development Strategy of Official Statistics of the Republic of Croatia 2021 − 2030 is a long-term strategic planning act that is prepared in accordance with the Official Statistics Act (Official Gazette, Nos 25/20 and 155/23) and the Act on Strategic Planning and Development Management System of the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette, No. 123/17). The Strategy is a long-term strategic plan that determines the direction of the national statistical system in the next ten-year period until 2030. It determines the mission and vision, and it defines priorities and goals aimed at developing the national statistical system. The achievement of strategic goals is planned by implementing a number of measures and activities defined in more detail in medium-term and short-term plans (programmes of statistical activities and annual implementation plans). The Strategy was adopted on 25 February 2022 by the Croatian Parliament. It is published in the Official Gazette No. 29/22).
- Programme of Statistical Activities of the Republic of Croatia 2021 − 2027 (Abstract) is a medium-term act on strategic planning prepared in accordance with the Official Statistics Act (Official Gazette, Nos 25/20 and 155/23), which determines statistical activities for a multi-annual period in accordance with the obligations arising from the membership of the Republic of Croatia in the European Union and with national needs. The specific nature of the Programme is that it is harmonised with the European Statistical System. That is why it is adopted for the same period that is determined in the European Statistical Programme, which also serves as a framework for planning the activities of the national statistical system with an aim to enabling comparison of statistics of the Republic of Croatia with EU Member States. The adoption of the Programme is also important for the purpose of defining other producers of official statistics, which constitute the national official statistics system together with the legally authorised Croatian Bureau of Statistics and the Croatian National Bank. Therefore, the Programme for the next period authorises the following bodies as producers of official statistics: the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development and the Croatian Institute of Public Health. All these institutions make up the national official statistics system. The Programme was adopted on 25 February 2022 by the Croatian Parliament. It is published in the Official Gazette No. 29/22).
- Annual Implementation Plan of Statistical Activities of the Republic of Croatia for 2025 is a short-term strategic planning act that is prepared, for each year to which it refers, in accordance with the Official Statistics Act (Official Gazette, Nos 25/20 and 155/23) for the purpose of executing the Programme of Statistical Activities of the Republic of Croatia. The Annual Implementation Plan for2025 provides for the implementation of a total of 309 statistical activities, of which 159 are based on direct data collection, 98 statistical activities are based on administrative sources or the method of observation and monitoring, and 52 are development activities. Out of a total of 309 statistical activities in 2025, the Croatian Bureau of Statistics will carry out 82%, while the remaining 18% of statistical activities will be carried out by other producers of official statistics. The Plan was adopted on 11 February 2025 by the Croatian Parliament and published in the Official Gazette, No. 29/25..
- Implementation Programme of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics 2024 - 2028 is prepared in accordance with the Act on Strategic Planning and Development Management System of the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette, Nos 123/17 and 151/22) and represents a short-term strategic planning act based on hierarchically higher strategic planning acts (Strategy) and the Programme of the Government of the Republic of Croatia 2024 - 2028, and it is valid during the Government's mandate.
- Annual Work Plan of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics for 2025 is prepared in accordance with the Act on Strategic Planning and Development Management System of the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette, Nos 123/17 and 151/22) and represents a one-year planning and management implementation document providing the measures planned to be implemented at the Croatian Bureau of Statistics in the current year. They refer to the scope and organisation, specific objectives and measures contained in the Implementation Programme as well as the budget plan and other available resources.