
Open data

Open data are publicly available free-of-charge data intended for re-use for a commercial or non-commercial purpose other than the purpose for which they were originally produced or collected.
Public authorities are obliged, in machine-readable format (CSV, XLS, XML, JSON, HTML, etc.), to publish registers and databases that they have created within their jurisdiction and for which there are no legal restrictions.
In addition, public authorities are also obliged, regardless of the characteristics of the dataset, or even if there are legal restrictions, to publish a list of registers and databases within their jurisdiction (the so-called asset list), along with metadata and information on how to access or re-use them (e.g. open data, partially open data, data accessible only to a specific circle of authorised persons, etc.).
All datasets published on the website of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics are available to users without restrictions and for free use with the Open Licence.
List of datasets with metadata of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics