This year, the #OnlyOneEarth message calls for joint action on a global level to protect and renew our planet.
Precisely 50 years ago, a United Nations conference was held, at which the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) was adopted. Thanks to that, 5 June is celebrated around the world as World Environment Day.

Investments in environmental protection
Unfortunately, many years of human activity have left consequences on the environment and a kind of "repair" of what has been done is not simple at all nor it is short-term. Countries around the world are adopting various measures, investing in environmental protection and encouraging more responsible behaviour. Total investments in environmental protection in Croatia in 2020 amounted to 2.9 billion kuna, which is a decrease of 2.1% compared to 2019 and an increase of 6.8% compared to 2018. According to Eurostat data, environmental tax revenue in 2020, at the level of European Union countries, amounted to 5.6% of total tax revenue, while in Croatia, this share amounted to 8.9%.
Use of renewable energy − a step towards preserving the planet
When it comes to environmental protection, special attention is paid to energy consumption and, in general, consumption of energy products. Huge amounts of energy are used every day around the world, both in various industries and branches of the economy, and in millions of households. The use of renewable energy sources is an important step towards finding a longer-term solution to preserve the planet. Therefore, it is good to know that, according to the latest available data for 2020, a total of 31.0% of energy in Croatia was used from renewable energy sources, while at the European Union level, renewable energy accounted for 21.1% of final energy consumption.
Recycling – a goal to which anyone can contribute
The modern world is struggling with accumulated waste on a daily basis. According to Eurostat data, 505 kg of municipal waste was generated per capita in the European Union in 2020, while in Croatia, this average was lower and amounted to 418 kg per capita. The environment can be helped by proper waste disposal, recycling and reuse. At the level of the European Union in 2020, as much as 47.8% of municipal waste was recycled. In Croatia, this figure was lower and stood at 34.3%.
In recent years, the emphasis has been on biowaste recycling. In 2020, a total of 90 kg of biowaste per capita was recycled in the European Union, while in Croatia, this type of waste was recycled much less, more precisely, 23 kg of biowaste per capita was recycled.
Small steps for one Earth
Although recycling seems like a good starting point, that is, the first thing any of us can do if we really want to contribute to environmental protection, some have opted for various other actions. One of them is the use of zero-emission vehicles, which accounted for 5.3% of all newly registered passenger cars in the European Union in 2020. In Croatia, this share was lower and amounted to 1.5%.
For many, the first thought related to environmental protection is the vast natural resources and vast forest areas as well as biodiversity. Each country, certainly including Croatia, is proud of its untouched expanses which, in addition to being home to thousands of plants and animals, are also a haven for us humans. In order to remain such, they should be preserved, so it is pleasing to know that, according to Eurostat data, in 2020 more than a third (37.8%) of the total area of Croatia was protected area, while at the level of the European Union, 26.4% of its total area was declared protected area.
With all of the above in mind, let's start today and take our own steps, which sometimes seem small, but are very important in achieving the common goal, to contribute to environmental protection. Because
there is only one Earth!