In April 2024, as compared to April 2023, there were 5.5% less tourist arrivals and 8.8% less tourist nights

Photo /Slike za vijesti/Turizam lipanj 2024.jpg

Dubrovnik, a city with the largest number of tourist nights

In April 2024, there were 1.0 million arrivals and 2.8 million nights in commercial accommodation establishments, which was 5.5% less tourist arrivals and 8.8% less tourist nights as compared to April 2023.
Domestic tourists realised 218 thousand arrivals and 465 thousand nights in April 2024, which was 1.3% less tourist arrivals and 5.9% less nights compared to April 2023.
Foreign tourists realised 813 thousand arrivals and 2.3 million nights in April 2024, which was 6.5% less arrivals and 9.3% less nights than in April 2023.

Tourists from Germany realised the most tourist nights

In April 2024, tourists from Germany realised the most foreign tourist nights, as much as 359 thousand of them, which accounted for 15.5% of the total realised foreign tourist nights. Compared to April 2023, German tourists realised 23.1% less nights.
These were followed by tourists from Slovenia (14.1%), Austria (8.4%), Poland (7.1%), the United Kingdom (7.0%), France (5.6%), Italy (5.2%) and the USA (4.3%).

Dubrovnik, a city with the most tourist nights; among the counties, it was the County of Istria that stood out

Dubrovnik realised the most tourist nights in April 2024, as much as 321 thousand of them, which accounted for 11.6% of the total realised tourist nights in Croatia. Compared to April 2023, tourists realised 24.3% more nights in Dubrovnik.
Regarding figures at the county level, it is important to point out that the largest number of tourist nights was realised in the County of Istria, as much as 766 thousand of them, which accounted for 27.6% of the total realised tourist nights in Croatia. The
County of Dubrovnik-Neretva followed with realised 432 thousand tourist nights, which accounted for 15.6% of the total realised tourist nights in Croatia.

Find out more information in the First Release.
