Average monthly net earnings for January 2023 amounted to 1 094 euro

Photo /Slike za vijesti/Plaće ožujak 2023.jpg

Highest average monthly paid off net earnings in Air transport activity

The average monthly paid off net earnings per person in paid employment in legal entities of the Republic of Croatia for January 2023 amounted to 1 094 euro, which was 4.6% higher in nominal and real terms as compared to December 2022. The average monthly gross earnings per person in paid employment in legal entities of the Republic of Croatia for January 2023 amounted to 1 499 euro, which was 5.0% higher in nominal and real terms as compared to December 2022.
The highest average monthly paid off net earnings per person in paid employment in legal entities for January 2023 was paid in the activity of Air transport, in the amount of 1 685 euro, and the lowest in the activity of Manufacture of leather and related products and Other service activities, in the amount of 748 euro. The highest average monthly gross earnings per person in paid employment in legal entities for January 2023 was paid in the activity of Computer programming, consultancy and related activities, in the amount of 2 454 euro, and the lowest in the activity of Manufacture of leather and related products and Other service activities, in the amount of 968 euro.
There were 175 paid hours on average in January 2023, which was at the same level as in December 2022. The highest number of paid hours was recorded in the Human health activities (183), and the lowest in the Social work activities without accommodation (153).
The average monthly paid off net earnings per hour for January 2023 amounted to 6.14 euro, which was 4.8% higher than in December 2022, and 7.2% higher compared to the same month of the previous year. The average monthly gross earnings per hour for January 2023 amounted to 8.41 euro, which was 5.3% higher than in December 2022, and 8.5% higher compared to the same month of the previous year.
Median net earnings for January 2023 amounted to 930 euro, and the median gross earnings amounted to 1 239 euro for the same month.
Find out more information in the First Release.
