10th European Conference on Quality in Official Statistics

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Lidija Brković, the Director General of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, moderated the plenary session of the European Conference on Quality in Official Statistics (Q2022) in Vilnius

The European Conference on Quality in Official Statistics (Q2022) was held in Vilnius from 8 to 10 June 2022, organised by Statistics Lithuania and Eurostat (Statistical Office of the European Union).
On the first day of the Conference, Lidija Brković, the Director General of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, presented the results of the project "System for the Quality Management and Quality Documentation of Statistical Surveys", which improved the quality management system of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics. Over the last four years, new tools for monitoring the quality of statistical products have been developed, applications and quality database have been upgraded, internal applications have been connected, and a software solution has been developed enabling the calculation of key numerical quality indicators. With this project, the Croatian Bureau of Statistics has confirmed its focus on the quality of all processes, products and services, following the principles of quality defined by the European Statistics Code of Practice.
On the second day of the Conference, the Director General moderated the plenary session "The leadership role of NSOs towards data quality", whose keynote speaker was Anil Arora, Chief Statistician of Statistics Canada. Marek Rojiček, the President of the Czech Statistical Office, and Tobias Thomas, the Director General of Statistics Austria, also participated in this session.
At this three-day Conference, the Croatian Bureau of Statistics was also represented by Andrea Galić Nagyszombaty, Director of the Statistical Methodologies, Quality and Customer Relations Directorate, and Marija Kamenski, Head of the International Relations Department.
